Saturday, September 13, 2008

Input and Output Devices

Input is any data and intructions entered into the memory of a computer.People have a variety of options for entering input into a computer.An input device is any hardware components that allows user to enter data and instuctionswhich mean the programs,commands and users responses into a computer.

Many people use a keyboard and a mouse as one of their input devices.A keyboard is an input device thats contains keys users press to enter data and information into a computer.The mouse is an pointing device tha allows users to control a pointer on the screen.Other examples of input device is touch screen,stylus,graphics tablet,game controller,joystick,touch-sensitive pad,microphone and others.

What is output?Output is data that has been processed into a useful form.Computers process data(input) into information(output).An output device is any type of hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.Usually used output devices include displays devices,prienters,speakers,head-phones and ear phones.

Thats all i can write about input and output of computer.Thank you..........

1 comment: said...

what is the example of input for the latest technology? Do you know?